Flyover Requests

Aerial and Non-Aerial Display

Flyovers (Air Guard assets):  For flyover aviation support, please go to the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events website to submit your request.  

Flyover website (Military Aerial Support): USAF Aerial Events Support 
Flyover instructions (Request for Military Aerial Support): 2nd page of the attached DD2535


Process overview:

  1. Fill out the DD2535
  2. Submit a new request through the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events website: USAF Aerial Events Support
  3. Send completed DD2535 to FAA Flight Standards District Office – contact information
  4. Once you have received a request number from this system, and received approval from your local FAA Flight Standards District Office (if needed), please e-mail completed DD 2535 forms to

Flyover Eligibility: Index.cfm (

Static Display:  Complete 
DD Form 2535 (Jan 2023-be sure to complete most up to date version): (UH 60) Helicopter landing – public can enter the helicopter and take pictures

  1. Must complete and forward to the NJARNG PAO
  2. Complete and send a letter *( static display of a UH-60 helicopter will require a suitable landing area free of debris and vehicle traffic, and permission from the property owner or municipality.)*
  3. NOTE: instruction on 2nd page of DD2535

Non-Aviation: Complete 
DD Form 2536 (Jan 2023-be sure to complete most up to date version): i.e. military personnel, military equipment/vehicles, ex. Humvee and LMTV

  1. Complete and forward to the NJARNG PAO
  2. NOTE: instruction on 2nd page of DD2536