Press Releases

Cherry Hill, NJ-Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) released the following reaction to President Obama’s National Address tonight (Sunday, December 6, 2015)

“Tonight President Obama laid out a plan to protect our homeland and American citizens everywhere from the threat of terrorism. I stand with all Americans as our nation renews its commitment to defeating the evil of terrorism at home and abroad. We will succeed as we always have by working together as one nation bound by our shared values of democracy, freedom, and equality. Our first priority must be to ensure the security of the American people. Tragically, we know from the recent events in Paris and San Bernadino that the threat of terror is both real and near. War is no longer fought just with armies on battlefields. We must take sensible and focused steps to protect our nation and its people. Recently I’ve supported actions taken by Congress and the Obama Administration to review and tighten our nation’s refugee and visa procedures. And I have implored Congress to take the common-sense step of closing the so-called ‘terrorist background check loophole.’ Together with the best military and law enforcement personnel in the world, America will stand strong against our enemies and emerge from this crisis stronger and more secure.”

Following the deadly terror attacks in Paris and last week’s domestic terror incident in California, Congressman Norcross has taken a number of prudent actions to keep Americans safe. He is echoing President Obama’s call for the House to pass the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act—a bipartisan measure to close the ‘terrorist background check loophole’ that can allow those on the nation's terror watch list to legally purchase deadly weapons. He supports the Obama Administration decision to change the government’s visa-waiver program policies for countries considered terrorist safe havens, and last month he voted for the Safe Act of 2015--a bipartisan measure in the U.S. House of Representatives that aims to review and tighten our national system for refugee background checks and security screenings. Rep. Norcross has also requested additional funding from the U.S. House Appropriations Committee to ensure federal agencies tasked with vetting and resettling refugees have the resources they need to ensure America’s security and provide safety and dignity to all those seeking a better life in America.

Congressman Norcross, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, traveled last month to the Middle East where he received classified briefings from military and intelligence leaders on counterterrorism efforts.

Following his trip, Rep. Norcross said, “My recent trips to Israel, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt have confirmed the grave nature of the threats posed by ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and a host of other extremist organizations intent on committing murder throughout the world. My first responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of the American people, and I will always act with that in mind."

Congressman Donald Norcross is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Budget Committee, and serves as an Assistant Whip in the 114th Congress