Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) and Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12), co-chairs of the House Democratic Caucus Rebuilding America Task Force, led a discussion with Members of Congress and New Jersey experts on how a robust investment by the federal government to improve our aging infrastructure would dramatically benefit working men and women.

"We need to update our aging infrastructure and, when we invest properly, we will add high-skilled, high-wage jobs,” said Congressman Norcross. “I worked as electrician and learned the value of hard work while installing and restoring power for New Jersey homes, businesses and industrial sites. I know that the best social program is a good job with fair wages – and we can put Americans to work right now on projects that will make our communities safer. Instead of slaying New Jersey families with a huge tax hike, the Administration should be focused on a real, comprehensive infrastructure plan. Our country desperately needs to invest in our roads, bridges, rails, ports, airports, Electric Grid, pipes and more.”

“It has been made increasingly clear that, despite a climate of severe partisanship here in Washington, Democrats in Congress are intensely focused on the needs of working Americans,” said Congresswoman Watson Coleman. “Infrastructure investment is a proven economic driver and job creator. There is no shortage of projects available for us to repair, improve and modernize – from our crumbling roads, bridges, and waterways to the electrical grid and broadband capabilities. I’m proud to work with my colleagues in the House Democratic Caucus Rebuilding America Task Force to continue this conversation with experts from New Jersey to help move us in the right direction and make the economy work for everyone. The needs of our working families and those who rely on them is dependent on this work and I implore my Republican colleagues to join us in moving this effort, and our economic prosperity, forward.”

The Representatives invited Steven Gardner, Director of the New Jersey Laborers’-Employers’ Cooperation and Education Trust (NJ LECET), and Ray Alvarez, the Senior Director or Asset Management at PSE&G, to provide expert testimony at the forum.

“As director of NJ LECET, a labor-management partnership that helps build a stronger America through quality construction, I hear a common refrain from tradesperson and businessperson alike: our nation’s infrastructure is aging, deteriorating and in desperate need of repair and modernizing,” said NJ LECET’s Steven Gardner. “The Rebuilding America Task Force is focusing our attention where it should be – on investing in our communities, revitalizing our infrastructure, and creating family-sustaining jobs.”

“PSE&G invests over $2 billion each year to provide safe, reliable, resilient and increasingly greener energy to the millions of electric and gas customers we serve in New Jersey,” said PSE&G’s Ray Alvarez. “Our electric and natural gas infrastructure is foundational to our economy, as are the high quality jobs we create and sustain.  We look forward to working with Congress to craft federal infrastructure legislation that will support our continued ability to deliver value to our customers.”

The Rebuilding America Task Force is pushing the Administration to put Americans back to work by rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, expanding job opportunities in key industries, advancing school construction projects, hardening our power grid, improving storm resiliency, expanding internet access, getting lead out of our pipes and more. Updating our aging infrastructure is also a guaranteed job creator that would provide security for middle-class families. One study from the Council of Economic Advisers found that for every $1 billion spent on infrastructure, 27,000 jobs are directly created.

The Rebuilding America Task Force sent a letter to President Trump on October 4, 2017  expressing concern that his administration lacks a comprehensive plan for the future of America’s infrastructure.

“Investing in our nation’s infrastructure is a win for everyone. Our roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals get a much-needed update to better serve all Americans, while investments create jobs for millions,” said Chairman of the Democratic Caucus Joe Crowley. “I look forward to working with our forward-thinking New Jersey Representatives on creating jobs and infrastructure projects.”

“With nearly 100,000 bridges in our country old enough to qualify for Medicare and Social Security, there is no doubt that America’s infrastructure is in need of serious TLC,” said Vice Chair Linda Sánchez. “The Rebuilding America Task Force, led by Reps. Norcross and Watson Coleman, is focused on investing in jobs and our future by developing innovative ways to modernize our nation’s infrastructure. By investing in a robust infrastructure, we will ensure that our country and our workers will be able to compete in the global marketplace.”

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Contact: Ally Kehoe, Communications Director