Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following President Donald Trump’s first address to Congress, Representative Donald Norcross released the following statement:

“Where are the jobs? I spent my life in the building trades, first as an electrician, then as a union leader. Many working men and women voted for President Trump because they believed him when he promised to rebuild our infrastructure, create jobs, and raise wages. But in his first speech to Congress, Trump only paid lip service to infrastructure investment without offering any details on creating new jobs."

"Democrats have a plan to invest $1 trillion in infrastructure, updating our roads, bridges and energy grid to prepare our nation for a new century of growth. It would create 15 million good-paying jobs over the next 10 years. Now it’s time for President Trump to present a real jobs plan for our nation. Until then, America's families are asking, ‘Where are the jobs?’"
