Press Releases

Today, Rep. Donald Norcross (D-NJ) released the following statement after voting for H.R. 7217, the emergency supplemental bill for Israel:

“The $17.6 billion emergency supplemental bill for Israel that was before the House of Representatives today is important to the security and well-being of the Israeli people in their fight against terrorism. As Iran-backed Hamas terrorists continue to threaten Israel's security, it is imperative that we swiftly deliver the aid Israel needs to defend its right to exist, free the hostages, and ensure the safety of the Jewish people. Having visited Israel a day after the brutal October 7 attack by Hamas and recently visiting 90 days after the attack and seeing the atrocities myself, I know how important and vital our continued support is.

“It is extremely unfortunate that House Republicans have decided to tie this needed supplemental for Israel to a political ploy that is designed to divide America, and I disagree strongly with their partisan approach. However, the military aid in this supplemental is too important for the safety and security of the Israeli people. That is why I supported the emergency legislation today.

“Let me be clear: if a Ukraine supplemental, border security measure with the appropriate language, or Tawain security bill was put to a vote today, I would have supported that legislation as well. But that was not our reality. We must continue to stand with Israel as they defend themselves in the wake of the horrific October 7 attack. I will continue to work to bring the hostages home, strengthen the ties between the Israeli and American people and government, and ensure that Israel has the aid and assistance it needs to defend itself.”
