Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Donald Norcross (D-NJ) announced today that he will welcome Yael Alexander, the mother of New Jerseyan Edan Alexander who remains held hostage by Hamas, as his State of the Union guest to highlight the continued hostage crisis.

Edan was kidnapped by Hamas during the October 7 attack while serving near the border with Gaza and there has been no information released on his condition. He grew up in Tenafly, New Jersey and volunteered to serve in the Israeli army following his graduation from Tenafly High School in 2022.

“For nearly 150 days, Edan Alexander of New Jersey has been held by Hamas terrorists against his will in unfathomable conditions away from friends and family in the United States. It as an honor to have Yael, Edan’s mother, as my guest to the State of the Union to continue telling his story until Edan and every single hostage is returned home safely. Yael, Adi, and the entire Alexander family have shown incredible strength over these past five months. It’s time to bring Edan and the other hostages home,” Rep. Norcross said. “Edan’s story is one that is unfortunately all too familiar to families who have become victims of the brutal October 7 attack by Hamas. I have met with families of hostages in Israel and here at home and their stories and pain are heartbreaking. One day as a hostage is too many, and we must bring Edan and the remaining American and Israeli hostages home now without further delay. Having met with officials in the region as part of a bipartisan congressional delegation to advocate for the safe return those kidnapped by terrorists, I will continue to work for their safe return and ensure that Israel has the aid and assistance it needs to defend itself.”

During a recent family dinner, an empty chair symbolized the Alexander’s hope for Edan’s safe return to the United States.

Eight Americans remain held hostage by Hamas terrorists, nearly 150 days since the October 7 attack.

"I am honored to be the guest of Representative Norcross at the upcoming State of the Union address, representing my son Edan, who was taken hostage by Hamas over four months ago. I thank him for his commitment to ensuring that the 134 hostages – including eight Americans – that remain in Hamas captivity are not forgotten. As President Biden lays out his goals and promises to the American people, we ask that the safe and swift return of Edan and remaining hostages remain top priority. Time is of the essence. We must bring the hostages home now," Yael Alexander said.

Yael and families of the American hostages sent letters to member of Congress urging them to show solidarity and a firm commitment to securing the swift release of all hostages by wearing a yellow ribbons and dog tags to draw attention to the hostage crisis.

In January, Rep. Norcross met with the Alexanders and families of hostages in Washington, D.C., and Israel.

Rep. Norcross, Sen. Ernst, and a bipartisan, bicameral congressional delegation traveled to the Middle East in early January to reaffirm support for Israel, meet with regional officials and partners about challenges, and advocate for the safe and secure return of U.S. citizens taken hostage by Hamas. He also led an op-ed with Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) on the important role that Congress has in bringing the hostages home.

Rep. Norcross was a part of the first congressional delegation visit to Israel in the days following the October 7 attack.
