In the News

Today, Rep. Donald Norcross (D-NJ) released the following statement on the announcement of the Army’s significant changes to its aviation modernization strategy:

“Rotary wing aircraft have been a backbone of the U.S. military for generations, and they continue to serve each branch in different combat and logistics capacities around the world. Capable, affordable helicopters are essential to the foundation of the Joint Force of the future. With the Army’s modernization strategy announcement today, the need to support, maintain, and invest in our rotary wing aircraft industrial base becomes even more critical. I am encouraged to hear that the Army has plans to commit the CH-47 F Block II helicopter to production with work at Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, which will preserve important manufacturing jobs that South Jerseyans and others throughout our region rely on. This management of risk in our industrial base allows us to ensure we can project power and provide support around the world. As the Ranking Member of the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, I look forward to learning more from the Army at a subcommittee hearing about how they will continue to support the industrial base and our men and women in uniform.”