In the News

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) released the following statement upon learning of the death of former Governor of New Jersey James J. Florio.

“I was saddened to learn of the passing of Governor Jim Florio. He was a dedicated public servant who cared deeply for our great state and its people. He was a true environmentalist, a trailblazer long before it was popular to do so. As a congressman he championed the superfund law that has cleaned up dangerous chemicals in communities in New Jersey and around the country, and as governor he signed the state’s clean water act, saving countless lives. He led by seeing the good in every individual and reached across party lines to do what was right even when it was hard. My deepest sympathies to his wife and family. New Jersey has lost one of our greatest champions and he will be truly missed.”