Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Donald Norcross (D-NJ) announced today his appointment to the U.S. Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. As part of his responsibilities, Rep. Norcross will attend the Munich Security Conference in Munich and NATO Parliamentary Assembly meeting in Brussels this week to conduct Assembly business, discuss key international security and foreign policy issues, and reaffirm America’s unwavering support of our NATO allies.


“As we have seen in Europe, the Middle East, and around the globe recently, the world is still a dangerous place. The threats to global security and economic stability remain, and the only way we can deter these current and potential adversaries is to strengthen NATO and continue building partnerships with our allies. NATO’s success as a security cooperation alliance is as important and relevant today as it was when created in 1949,” Rep. Norcross said. “Those who threaten to pull the United States out of NATO and question our commitment to the alliance as a political talking point empower Vladimir Putin and our adversaries and undermines national and international security. To address this risk, last year’s National Defense Authorization Act included a provision that prohibits withdrawal from the alliance without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. American leadership is essential for the strength and future of the alliance, and I am honored to be named as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly to support, maintain, and expand partnerships between member countries. I have worked across the aisle with many different colleagues as a member of Congress, and I look forward to working as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly across different nationalities and legislatures on issues that are critical to our national and global security.”


The NATO Parliamentary Assembly brings together members of legislative bodies from NATO member countries to reinforce cooperation, engage on issues related to the alliance, and maintain and strengthen the transatlantic relationship between allies. Though institutionally separate from NATO, the Parliamentary Assembly serves as a crucial link between the alliance and legislative bodies from NATO member countries.


Over the years, the Assembly has developed formal and informal relations with a growing number of parliaments in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Mediterranean and Middle East, and all the way to the Pacific. Today, some 30 parliamentary delegations participate in various Assembly activities.
