Press Releases

Washington, DC-Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) today applauded the U.S. Senate’s passage of the Energy Policy Modernization Act, a bipartisan measure which included provisions that Norcross introduced through legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives last year.

“The fact is, we need to train the workforce of tomorrow, now. This can’t wait. The energy sector needs a skilled workforce and the demand is only going to grow,” said Rep. Norcross, who pointed to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) statistics which anticipate an additional 1.5 million energy sector workers over the next 15 years.

Language in Rep. Norcross’ 21st Century Energy Workforce Act included in the Senate action involve the creation of a DOE advisory board to ensure the workforce can meet current and future labor needs. The board would include representatives from the federal government, the energy industry, labor organizations, state and local governments, and both K-12 education and post-secondary education.

The legislation also calls for the establishment of a competitive grant that gives priority to programs with qualified job training services at universities, community colleges and registered apprenticeship programs. Additionally, the program would work to identify active-duty service members transitioning to the civilian workforce and veterans for a career in the energy sector, as well as a mentorship program for elementary and high school students.

“As an electrician who was the product of an apprenticeship program, I know firsthand the value and need for this kind of training. This is an investment our country needs to make with a firm commitment,” said Rep. Norcross.

The Senate legislation also includes provisions calling for added safety measures for the nation’s energy infrastructure, new energy technology, and energy storage.
