Press Releases

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ01) voted in favor of a bipartisan health care bill that will protect and strengthen Medicare for senior citizens while preserving health benefits for countless children and families throughout South Jersey.

Supported by provider and beneficiary groups, the bipartisan Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 2) replaces a flawed Medicare policy called the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) with a new payment and delivery model that will promote high-quality care while reducing costs.  This permanent fix to the failed SGR formula will finally bring certainty to our seniors and their doctors while strengthening the Medicare system.  Rather than continue providing short-term fixes to this growing problem, Congressman Norcross joined House leaders to replace the SGR with a more sustainable and responsible Medicare funding plan. 

“This bill solves a near 20-year problem that has repeatedly placed Medicare at risk,” said Congressman Norcross. “By encouraging quality services and shifting to a system that rewards outcomes and reduces wasteful spending, we can finally give Medicare recipients peace of mind that their benefits are protected and will be there when they need them. This was a bipartisan effort where members of both parties and a broad coalition of health care advocates worked together to find solutions.” 

Equally important, the bill fully funds the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) through September 30, 2017 and secures critical funding for community health centers, expanding vital investments and treatments in underserved communities. CHIP provides health insurance to over 8 million low-income children and pregnant women who otherwise cannot afford benefits but earn too much to be eligible for Medicaid. The bill also provides critical funding to help low-income seniors afford their Medicare Part B premiums. 

“I came to Washington to work with serious-minded reformers and improve quality of life for South Jersey’s families and seniors. Today’s vote is proof that sincere bipartisan efforts can achieve results that provide sustainability and predictability, reduce costs and improve care,” added Rep. Norcross. 

Congressman Norcross is committed to protecting Medicare from harmful cuts and will continue to work with his colleagues from both sides of the aisle to ensure that this guarantee remains available to current enrollees as well as future generations.