Press Releases

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) addressed the House of Representatives in opposition of a Republican resolution that will undermine fair labor union elections and roll back decades of progress made in workers’ rights. 

The Republican joint resolution was offered to disapprove and block new worker safeguards established by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The NLRB, an independent federal agency created to prevent unfair labor practices and protect employees’ rights, established the rules in December of last year as an effort to modernize the Board's election procedures and ensure timely and fair workplace elections. 

The NLRB rules do not alter substantive law; rather, they simply standardize union election practices, requiring more transparent and efficient procedures. The new rules allow for electronic filing of election documents, provide non-employer parties access to workers’ contact information typically held by employers only – such as email addresses and phone numbers. Additionally, the NLRB rules limit costly and frivolous litigation by establishing clearer procedures for identifying and resolving potential disputes. 

The resolution was opposed by a bipartisan group of New Jersey lawmakers. Below is an excerpt from Congressman Norcross’ floor speech in opposition of S.J.Res 8, titled “Disapproving the NLRB Rule”: 

“It's incredible. We are in this great hall of democracy. The world looks to this very building, and what it seeks is to give people a voice. It’s what our country was founded on. And yet, what we are having a vote on today is to clamp down and shut the mouths of those who are seeking to have a voice. 

“All we are saying is let's make sure that workers have a voice. If they say no, then no harm, no foul and we go home. This is about creating an equal playing field, which certainly isn't there. That's why I'm urging my colleagues to vote against this anti-American, anti-democracy, anti-worker resolution.”