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Washington, DC-U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) today demanded House Speaker Paul Ryan (WI-01) hold a vote on a critical, common sense actions to combat gun violence in America before the House of Representatives recesses the end of this week.

“10 days after the Orlando massacre, the worst mass murder in modern American history, we have an obligation to the American people to put this legislation to a vote immediately.  Emotions are raw and the need is more urgent than ever. This is a vital matter of national security. Going on recess without taking meaningful action on guns at this time is reckless and unacceptable. Simply put, ‘No Bill, No Break,” said Rep. Norcross.

Rep. Norcross insists House leaders allow a vote on bipartisan efforts to expand and strengthen background checks on gun purchases, and pass the ‘No Fly, No Buy’ legislation to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists who are banned from flying on aircraft but are able to purchase firearms due to a loophole in U.S. law.

“I can’t believe some of my colleagues in Congress are letting the strong arm of the NRA influence them at the expense of American lives. How high does the body count have to get before Congress takes responsible action on guns,” asked Rep. Norcross. “The plain truth is, a majority of Americans are demanding change. The very people elected to represent them in Congress are failing their constituents who they’ve pledged to serve and protect.”

“We agree with Representative Norcross that Congress must take a vote on these sensible solutions to gun violence before going on recess at the end of the week,” said Carole Stiller, President of the New Jersey Million Mom March and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Chapters. “How dare they take a break when terrorists are still permitted to purchase guns, and terrorists and others can simply walk into a gun show and walk out with an assault weapon without a background check!  No compromises, no delays.  Put the bills on the floor and follow the will of the majority of Americans.  Background checks for all gun purchases. No fly–No buy!”

Rep. Norcross’ demand for action comes two days after the Republican-led U.S. Senate voted down the legislation to expand background checks on gun purchases and close the loophole that allows those on the nation’s terror watch list to legally purchase guns in this country.

“The NRA has demonstrated it can exert extraordinary influence over some lawmakers. These lawmakers need to break from that stranglehold and stand up for the safety of America,” said Rep. Norcross.

Rep. Norcross recently demanded Congress ban assault weapons, like the AR-15 style assault rifle used in the Orlando massacre. Norcross also supports initiatives to require background checks for online gun sales, ending sales of firearms at gun shows, and investing in ‘smart gun’ technology.


Congressman Donald Norcross is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Budget Committee, and serves as Assistant Whip in the 114th Congress.