Veterans and men and women in the military selflessly answered the call to serve, putting their lives on the line for our freedom and security. When they return home from duty, our veterans deserve access to the best America has to offer and the freedom of choice they fought to protect. Whether 3 days or 30, no veteran should have to wait longer than civilians to see a doctor when they are sick.
The Veterans Freedom of Healthcare Act allows veterans to get the quality care they deserve when they need it. We also owe it to our heroes to connect them with an affordable education and employment opportunities, particularly those that build on their existing skill sets. Finally, we must preserve and honor the great legacy of our service members, past and present, as a reminder of the values and sacrifice that built our nation.
More on Veterans
Date | Title |
6/7/19 | Norcross Shares His Experience in Normandy for D-Day 75th Anniversary Commemorations |
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3/21/19 | Norcross Fights to Protect Military Firefighters from Cancer-Related Contaminants |
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2/8/19 | Norcross Provision to Help Veterans Struggling with the Disease of Addiction Included in Access to Child Care Act |
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1/10/19 | Norcross Introduces Legislation to Reverse Postal Rate Hike that Penalized Our Troops |
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5/23/18 | Norcross & Camden County VA Share Local Veterans’ Stories with Library of Congress |
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9/7/17 | Norcross Statement on Hearing with Navy on USS Fitzgerald, USS John S. McCain Collisions |
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7/26/17 | Norcross Provision to Help Vets Struggling with the Disease of Addiction Included in House Appropriations Bill |
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4/5/17 | Norcross Votes for Veterans Choice Extension, Improvements |
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1/10/17 | Congressman Norcross Continues Commitment to America’s Security |
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12/1/16 | Rep. Norcross Honors Filipino & Filipino-American Soldiers Who Fought for the U.S. During World War II |