In the News

Courier Post. By Celeste Whittaker

...Norcross reiterated his support for a bipartisan effort to close a loophole in U.S. law that allows those on the nation’s terror watch list to legally purchase guns. He also called on Congress to pass the assault weapons ban, which would include weapons such as the Sig Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle used in the Pulse Nightclub shooting, as well as those used in the elementary school shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, and the attack on a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, among others.

...“It’s outrageous and inexcusable that anyone suspected or that has possible ties to terrorist organizations can still legally purchase guns in this country," Norcross said. "If you’re on the ‘do not fly list,’ our policy should be simple. Just four words: ‘No fly, no buy.’”

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