Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In reaction to the Trump Administration's nominee for Labor Secretary Andy Puzder withdrawing from his nomination, Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) released the following statement:

“Andy Puzder’s failed nomination is a victory for American workers. We’ve locked the fox out of the henhouse,” Norcross said. “Now President Donald Trump must follow through on his campaign promise to support workers, and nominate a labor secretary who will fight for more jobs and better wages.”

On Monday, Norcross sent out a series of tweets criticizing Puzder for his poor record on labor issues, and asked Republican senators what more it would take to stand up for American workers.

An International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) member and electrician by trade, Norcross has a long history of fighting for workers in South Jersey. He served as a business agent for IBEW Local 351 and as president of the Southern New Jersey Building Trades Council. In Congress, he serves on the Education and Workforce Committee, where he and is fighting to create jobs and increase wages for American workers.
